Mashup Guy(Debord)
During this intervention-situation, I selected vinyl records which were made for the purposes of the event. The records consist of urban sounds, sounds from football fans processions in the city of Amsterdam, and lectures on tactics of urbanisation and urban practices by Chantal Mouffe and David Harvey. Within this sound intervention, I want to highlight the practices of urban appropriation and distortion in the city’s terrain.
31 March 2019
Intervention during the Finissage La Défense, the Venturing Gaze by Paulien Oltheten
//at Nieuw Dakota,
Ms van Riemsdijkweg 41b, 1033 RC
Amsterdam, the Netherlands
24 February 2019
Intervention during the Finissage Start Up: Unsettled Tensions (group exhibition)
//at Nieuw Dakota,
Ms van Riemsdijkweg 41b, 1033 RC
Amsterdam, the Netherlands